Images After Abuse
Joyce Aubrey, founder of Finding Our Voices, presented her program "Aftershocks" to the Parish Safe Environment Coordinators of the Colorado Springs Catholic Diocese. Thank you to the Corpus Christi Catholic Church for hosting this event.
Joyce uses more than 20 of her own "process paintings" to illustrate her journey from trauma to recovery. Joyce says, "My process paintings reveal progress through denial, shame and anger to self-discovery, contentment and creative joy. As a child who endured more than a decade of rape from family and others, I offer hope to survivors while candidly sharing my trials and triumphs." Joyce also answered questions from the audience of Catholic clergy and educators about how to protect our children, and provide hope for survivors.
The presentation offers:
- Techniques to protect their children
- Guidelines to help prevent child abuse
- Signs to look for to recognize victims
- Warning signs that alert parents to protect their child from adults.
I was honored to partake in your presentation and was so impressed by the vibrancy of the work. LC